Tuesday 19 July 2016

Using Amazon API Gateway as a proxy for DynamoDB

Amazon API Gateway has a feature that enables customers to create their own API definitions directly in front of an AWS service API. This tutorial will walk you through an example of doing so with Amazon DynamoDB.

Why use API Gateway as a proxy for AWS APIs?

Many AWS services provide APIs that applications depend on directly for their functionality. Examples include:
  • Amazon DynamoDB – An API-accessible NoSQL database.
  • Amazon Kinesis – Real-time ingestion of streaming data via API.
  • Amazon CloudWatch – API-driven metrics collection and retrieval.
If AWS already exposes internet-accessible APIs, why would you want to use API Gateway as a proxy for them? Why not allow applications to just directly depend on the AWS service API itself?
Here are a few great reasons to do so:
  1. You might want to enable your application to integrate with very specific functionality that an AWS service provides, without the need to manage access keys and secret keys that AWS APIs require.
  2. There may be application-specific restrictions you’d like to place on the API calls being made to AWS services that you would not be able to enforce if clients integrated with the AWS APIs directly.
  3. You may get additional value out of using a different HTTP method from the method that is used by the AWS service. For example, creating a GET request as a proxy in front of an AWS API that requires an HTTP POST so that the response will be cached.
  4. You can accomplish the above things without having to introduce a server-side application component that you need to manage or that could introduce increased latency. Even a lightweight Lambda function that calls a single AWS service API is code that you do not need to create or maintain if you use API Gateway directly as an AWS service proxy.
Here, we will walk you through a hypothetical scenario that shows how to create an Amazon API Gateway AWS service proxy in front of Amazon DynamoDB.

The Scenario

You would like the ability to add a public Comments section to each page of your website. To achieve this, you’ll need to accept and store comments and you will need to retrieve all of the comments posted for a particular page so that the UI can display them.
We will show you how to implement this functionality by creating a single table in DynamoDB, and creating the two necessary APIs using the AWS service proxy feature of Amazon API Gateway.

Defining the APIs

The first step is to map out the APIs that you want to create. For both APIs, we’ve linked to the DynamoDB API documentation. Take note of how the API you define below differs in request/response details from the native DynamoDB APIs.

Post Comments

First, you need an API that accepts user comments and stores them in the DynamoDB table. Here’s the API definition you’ll use to implement this functionality:
Resource: /comments
HTTP Request Body:
  "pageId":   "example-page-id",
  "userName": "ExampleUserName",
  "message":  "This is an example comment to be added."
After you create it, this API becomes a proxy in front of the DynamoDB API PutItem.

Get Comments

Second, you need an API to retrieve all of the comments for a particular page. Use the following API definition:
Resource: /comments/{pageId}
HTTP Method: GET
The curly braces around {pageId} in the URI path definition indicate that pageId will be treated as a path variable within the URI.
This API will be a proxy in front of the DynamoDB API Query. Here, you will notice the benefit: your API uses the GET method, while the DynamoDB GetItem API requires an HTTP POST and does not include any cache headers in the response.

Creating the DynamoDB Table

First, Navigate to the DynamoDB console and select Create Table. Next, name the table Comments, with commentId as the Primary Key. Leave the rest of the default settings for this example, and choose Create.

After this table is populated with comments, you will want to retrieve them based on the page that they’ve been posted to. To do this, create a secondary index on an attribute called pageId. This secondary index enables you to query the table later for all comments posted to a particular page. When viewing your table, choose the Indexes tab and choose Create index.

When querying this table, you only want to retrieve the pieces of information that matter to the client: in this case, these are the pageId, the userName, and the message itself. Any other data you decide to store with each comment does not need to be retrieved from the table for the publically accessible API. Type the following information into the form to capture this and choose Create index:

Creating the APIs

Now, using the AWS service proxy feature of Amazon API Gateway, we’ll demonstrate how to create each of the APIs you defined. Navigate to the API Gateway service console, and choose Create API. In API name, type CommentsApi and type a short description. Finally, choose Create API.

Now you’re ready to create the specific resources and methods for the new API.

Creating the Post Comments API

In the editor screen, choose Create Resource. To match the description of the Post Comments API above, provide the appropriate details and create the first API resource:

Now, with the resource created, set up what happens when the resource is called with the HTTP POST method. Choose Create Method and select POST from the drop down. Click the checkmark to save.
To map this API to the DynamoDB API needed, next to Integration type, choose Show Advanced and choose AWS Service Proxy.
Here, you’re presented with options that define which specific AWS service API will be executed when this API is called, and in which region. Fill out the information as shown, matching the DynamoDB table you created a moment ago. Before you proceed, create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that has permission to call the DynamoDB API PutItem for the Comments table; this role must have a service trust relationship to API Gateway. For more information on IAM policies and roles, see the Overview of IAM Policies topic.
After inputting all of the information as shown, choose Save.

If you were to deploy this API right now, you would have a working service proxy API that only wraps the DynamoDB PutItem API. But, for the Post Comments API, you’d like the client to be able to use a more contextual JSON object structure. Also, you’d like to be sure that the DynamoDB API PutItem is called precisely the way you expect it to be called. This eliminates client-driven error responses and removes the possibility that the new API could be used to call another DynamoDB API or table that you do not intend to allow.
You accomplish this by creating a mapping template. This enables you to define the request structure that your API clients will use, and then transform those requests into the structure that the DynamoDB API PutItem requires.
From the Method Execution screen, choose Integration Request:

In the Integration Request screen expand the Mapping Templates section and choose Add mapping template. Under Content-Type, type application/json and then choose the check mark:

Next, choose the pencil icon next to Input passthrough and choose Mapping template from the dropdown. Now, you’ll be presented with a text box where you create the mapping template. For more information on creating mapping templates, see API Gateway Mapping Template Reference.
The mapping template will be as follows. We’ll walk through what’s important about it next:
    "TableName": "Comments",
    "Item": {
 "commentId": {
            "S": "$context.requestId"
        "pageId": {
            "S": "$input.path('$.pageId')"
        "userName": {
            "S": "$input.path('$.userName')"
        "message": {
            "S": "$input.path('$.message')"
This mapping template creates the JSON structure required by the DynamoDB PutItem API. The entire mapping template is static. The three input variables are referenced from the request JSON using the $input variable and each comment is stamped with a unique identifier. This unique identifier is the commentId and is extracted directly from the API request’s $context variable. This $context variable is set by the API Gateway service itself. To review other parameters that are available to a mapping template, see API Gateway Mapping Template Reference. You may decide that including information like sourceIp or other headers could be valuable to you.
With this mapping template, no matter how your API is called, the only variance from the DynamoDB PutItem API call will be the values of pageId, userName, and message. Clients of your API will not be able to dictate which DynamoDB table is being targeted (because “Comments” is statically listed), and they will not have any control over the object structure that is specified for each item (each input variable is explicitly declared a string to the PutItem API).
Back in the Method Execution pane click TEST.
Create an example Request Body that matches the API definition documented above and then choose Test. For example, your request body could be:
  "pageId":   "breaking-news-story-01-18-2016",
  "userName": "Just Saying Thank You",
  "message":  "I really enjoyed this story!!"
Navigate to the DynamoDB console and view the Comments table to show that the request really was successfully processed:

Great! Try including a few more sample items in the table to further test the Get Comments API.
If you deployed this API, you would be all set with a public API that has the ability to post public comments and store them in DynamoDB. For some use cases you may only want to collect data through a single API like this: for example, when collecting customer and visitor feedback, or for a public voting or polling system. But for this use case, we’ll demonstrate how to create another API to retrieve records from a DynamoDB table as well. Many of the details are similar to the process above.

Creating the Get Comments API

Return to the Resources view, choose the /comments resource you created earlier and choose Create Resource, like before.
This time, include a request path parameter to represent the pageId of the comments being retrieved. Input the following information and then choose Create Resource:

In Resources, choose your new /{pageId} resource and choose Create Method. The Get Comments API will be retrieving data from our DynamoDB table, choose POST for the HTTP method since all DynamoDB Queries are POST.
In the method configuration screen choose Show advanced and then select AWS Service Proxy. Fill out the form to match the following. Make sure to use the appropriate AWS Region and IAM execution role; these should match what you previously created. Finally, choose Save.

Modify the Integration Request and create a new mapping template. This will transform the simple pageId path parameter on the GET request to the needed DynamoDB Query API, which requires an HTTP POST. Here is the mapping template:
    "TableName": "Comments",
    "IndexName": "pageId-index",
    "KeyConditionExpression": "pageId = :v1",
    "ExpressionAttributeValues": {
        ":v1": {
            "S": "$input.params('pageId')"
Now test your mapping template. Navigate to the Method Execution pane and choose the Test icon on the left. Provide one of the pageId values that you’ve inserted into your Comments table and choose Test.

You should see a response like the following; it is directly passing through the raw DynamoDB response:

Now you’re close! All you need to do before you deploy your API is to map the raw DynamoDB response to the similar JSON object structure that you defined on the Post Comment API.
This will work very similarly to the mapping template changes you already made. But you’ll configure this change on the Integration Response page of the console by editing the default mapping response’s mapping template.
Navigate to Integration Response and expand the 200 response code by choosing the arrow on the left. In the 200 response, expand the Mapping Templates section. In Content-Type choose application/json then choose the pencil icon next to Output Passthrough.

Now, create a mapping template that extracts the relevant pieces of the DynamoDB response and places them into a response structure that matches our use case:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
    "comments": [
        #foreach($elem in $inputRoot.Items) {
            "commentId": "$elem.commentId.S",
            "userName": "$elem.userName.S",
            "message": "$elem.message.S"
Now choose the check mark to save the mapping template, and choose Save to save this default integration response. Return to the Method Execution page and test your API again. You should now see a formatted response.
Now you have two working APIs that are ready to deploy! See our documentation to learn about how to deploy API stages.
But, before you deploy your API, here are some additional things to consider:
  • Authentication: you may want to require that users authenticate before they can leave comments. Amazon API Gateway can enforce IAM authentication for the APIs you create. To learn more, see Amazon API Gateway Access Permissions.
  • DynamoDB capacity: you may want to provision an appropriate amount of capacity to your Comments table so that your costs and performance reflect your needs.
  • Commenting features: Depending on how robust you’d like commenting to be on your site, you might like to introduce changes to the APIs described here. Examples are attributes that track replies or timestamp attributes.


Now you’ve got a fully functioning public API to post and retrieve public comments for your website. This API communicates directly with the Amazon DynamoDB API without you having to manage a single application component yourself!


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