e. Explain various methods to monitor an application in IBM Bluemix PaaS
1. Measure application availability, CPU and heap memory usage, response time and throughput by using the Monitoring and Analytics service.
The Performance Monitoring tab of the Monitoring and Analytics services provides Bluemix Liberty and Node.js applications with views of the historical performance over the last 24 hours of CPU usage, memory usage, response time, and request throughput (in units of requests per minute). For Bluemix Liberty applications, the thread pool usage is available. The response time and frequency of requests to specific URL’s with GET and POST requests is available for Node.js applications
2. Monitoring application logs using the cf tool during staging and when the application is running.
When an application is staging, the cf push command streams output from the staging process to the terminal. Simultaneously, the cf logs command can be used to display output from the Loggregator.
When used with the --recent option, the cf logs command will display a subset of the past events for the application. To stream log output from the current time forward, omit the --recent option. The cf logs command may also be used while the application is running to either view the recent history of log entries or monitor the current log event stream.
3. Viewing metrics of resource utilization with IBM Auto-Scaling service.
If an application is using the Auto-Scaling service, there is a metrics tab available from the service that shows the recent history and current value of metrics that are used in scaling policies.
The specific metrics available are dependent on the runtime used by the application.
Reference: https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/Auto-Scaling/index.html
4. Using instance details panel from the application overview in the dashboard.
The Instance Details panel provides the current view of running instances for an application, and the CPU and memory utilization of each instance. This panel can be accessed from the Cloud Foundry dashboard by selecting an application to bring up the overview, and then clicking on the runtime for the application:
1. Measure application availability, CPU and heap memory usage, response time and throughput by using the Monitoring and Analytics service.
The Performance Monitoring tab of the Monitoring and Analytics services provides Bluemix Liberty and Node.js applications with views of the historical performance over the last 24 hours of CPU usage, memory usage, response time, and request throughput (in units of requests per minute). For Bluemix Liberty applications, the thread pool usage is available. The response time and frequency of requests to specific URL’s with GET and POST requests is available for Node.js applications
2. Monitoring application logs using the cf tool during staging and when the application is running.
When an application is staging, the cf push command streams output from the staging process to the terminal. Simultaneously, the cf logs command can be used to display output from the Loggregator.
When used with the --recent option, the cf logs command will display a subset of the past events for the application. To stream log output from the current time forward, omit the --recent option. The cf logs command may also be used while the application is running to either view the recent history of log entries or monitor the current log event stream.
3. Viewing metrics of resource utilization with IBM Auto-Scaling service.
If an application is using the Auto-Scaling service, there is a metrics tab available from the service that shows the recent history and current value of metrics that are used in scaling policies.
The specific metrics available are dependent on the runtime used by the application.
Reference: https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/Auto-Scaling/index.html
4. Using instance details panel from the application overview in the dashboard.
The Instance Details panel provides the current view of running instances for an application, and the CPU and memory utilization of each instance. This panel can be accessed from the Cloud Foundry dashboard by selecting an application to bring up the overview, and then clicking on the runtime for the application:
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